Recipes from Tyrolean cuisine

Enjoy a ‘delicacy from the mountains’ every day and conjure up some holiday memories on your table. we have selected various favourite dishes for you and hope you enjoy cooking and, above all, enjoying them. Good luck!

Something sweet...

Something hearty...

ABC of Tyrolean cuisine

Tirolerisch English
A A bissl a little bit
B Bian pear
C Crem cream
D Dota egg yolk
E Easchdepfi potatoe
F Forein trout
G Gatzei ladle
H Hink honey
I Iwagiassn to pour
J Jausn snack
K Kestn chestnut
L Leffei tea spoon
M Marendln marend/snack
N Nussn nuts
O Oar eggs
P Petasui parsley
S Schoklad chocolate
T Topfn curd
U Umrian stir
V Varian mix
W Weibeel raisins
X X'sundheit cheers
Z Zimtring cinnamon bark