Book a holiday • St. Johann in Tirol region
Plan your holiday in St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf!
The St. Johann in Tirol region offers everything you could possibly need for a holiday packed with moments of happiness. In order to make the planning easier for you, we have summarised useful information about booking and planning your holiday here. If you still need inspiration, you are sure to find it after ordering brochures for your holiday. On this page you can also make non-binding queries about available accommodation in the resorts of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf or book them right away. You will also find experiences such as the Kat Walk long-distance hiking trail here. Great souvenirs from the St. Johann in Tirol region await you in the online shop.
Search for available accommodation
Make a query and book in the St. Johann in Tirol region!
The St. Johann in Tirol region has four resorts and countless charms that will delight you in many ways. Our numerous hotels and holiday accommodation providers will also do everything they can to provide you with these enjoyable moments. Here you can send queries about available accommodation and also book it. Should you have any further questions, we are available for you at the information offices.
Event highlights in the St. Johann in Tirol region!
In summer and winter, the St. Johann in Tyrol region offers a variety of different events for all tastes. You can find an overview of all events in the event calendar of the resorts of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf. The big highlights of the annual calendar can be found listed here.