Cuisine and Pleasure • St. Johann in Tirol region
Restaurants and their current opening hours in the St. Johann in Tirol region!
In the towns of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf you will come across numerous restaurants, inns, mountain guesthouses and traditional lodges. The cuisine in our region is delicious, traditional and versatile. It ranges from delicious traditional, local Tirol meals, including 'Kaiserschmarrn' - sugared and shredded pancakes, Gröstl and apricot dumplings to national and international dishes. There are culinary delights for every taste, so explore our region with all your senses!
Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.
Georges Auguste Escoffier
Austrian cuisine, based around Viennese Schnitzel and yeast dumplings with a plum jam filling, is world-renowned. And the Tirol people too serve up lots of hearty treats including ‘Gröstl’ and ‘Kasspatzln’. The St. Johann in Tirol region is a true treasure trove of regional dishes - on the one hand simple and unembellished, on the other full-flavoured and flamboyant.