The current weather forecast for the St. Johann in Tirol region!
What is the weather like at the moment in the St. Johann in Tirol region? What is the weather forecast for your holiday in Tirol? This page provides the information about the latest weather in the Kitzbühel Alps. Get information about the latest weather and the weather forecast for the towns of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf. Our weather data is compiled by the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics and provides a great overview when it comes to holiday planning in the St. Johann in Tirol region.
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
Sankt Johann in Tirol
Choose weather stationData provision by GeoSphere Austria
- 7am-12pmmainly sunny
- whatshotTemperature-8 °C
- opacityPrecipitation0 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
- 12pm -6pm sunny
- whatshotTemperature5 °C
- opacityPrecipitation0 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSued 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
- 6pm-12amsunny
- whatshotTemperature1 °C
- opacityPrecipitation0 % (0 mm)
- flagWindOst 0 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2025-02-21
Early clouds will clear to leave the region with a dry and sunny day.
- 7am-12pmsunny and cloudy
- whatshotTemperature-1 °C
- opacityPrecipitation10 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
- 12pm -6pm mainly sunny
- whatshotTemperature8 °C
- opacityPrecipitation10 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSued 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2025-02-22
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.
- 7am-12pmsunny and cloudy
- whatshotTemperature-1 °C
- opacityPrecipitation0 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
- 12pm -6pm sunny and cloudy
- whatshotTemperature8 °C
- opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSued 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2025-02-23
Mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells. Light rain will start in the afternoon.
- 7am-12pmcompact clouds
- whatshotTemperature1 °C
- opacityPrecipitation15 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
- 12pm -6pm compact clouds
- whatshotTemperature8 °C
- opacityPrecipitation20 % (0 mm)
- flagWindOst 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2025-02-24
Sunny and cloudy periods will alternate throughout the day.
- 7am-12pmmainly sunny
- whatshotTemperature1 °C
- opacityPrecipitation25 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
- 12pm -6pm mainly cloudy, some sun
- whatshotTemperature9 °C
- opacityPrecipitation10 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSued 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Live data St. Johann i. T. / Oberndorf / Kirchdorf / Erpfendorf
Mountain-6 °CValley-8 °C -
Last snowfall
ac_unitDate14.02.2025Fresh snow2 -
Piste quality
- Easy11 km
- Medium3 km
- Hard1 km
Snow height
ac_unitMountain81 cmac_unitValley40 cmPistes covered with artificial snow
36 km
- Warning levelno value
0- Warning level
Snow quality
ac_unitMountaingriffigac_unitValleygriffigDescent into the valley
More weather information
Take a look at the St. Johann in Tirol region!
View towards Kitzbüheler Horn and Wilder Kaiser
Kalkstein - St. Johann in Tirol
View towards Wilder Kaiser
Kalkstein - St. Johann in Tirol
View towards Kitzbüheler Horn
Niederkaiserkamm - St. Johann
Main square - St. Johann in Tirol
St. Johann in Tirol
OD Trails - Tauwiesenlift
Oberndorf in Tirol
Piste valley station - Eichenhof
Kaiserfels - St. Johann in Tirol
View from the valley station - Eichenhof
Kaiserfels - St. Johann in Tirol
Mountain station - Harschbichl
Bergstation - St. Johann in Tirol
Kitzbüheler Horn
Harschbichl - St. Johann in Tirol
Penzing valley station - Oberndorf
Oberndorf in Tirol
Village square Kirchdorf
Dorfplatz - Kirchdorf in Tirol
Kitzbüheler Horn - St. Johann in Tirol
Huber Bräu - St. Johann in Tirol