Servus Winterjournal - Events, A-Z ...

Servus Winterjournal - Events, A-Z ...
Did you know that almost 100 kg of paper per person goes into the rubbish every year? For the sake of the environment, we make the brochures of the St. Johann in Tirol region available online for download. In addition, our website contains all the important information about your holiday in the towns of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf.
Find out more on our website or browse through the online brochures! You can obtain all printed material locally in your accommodation or at the tourist offices. If you would like to receive a printed brochure in advance, please contact us on 0043 5352 63335 or send us an e-mail with the brochures you require:
Servus Winterjournal - Events, A-Z ...
Summer Experience
Naturschutzgebiet Kaisergebirge (GERMAN)
OKTO Wanderbus
Cross Country Trails
St. Johann Card - Your Guest Card Summer
Urlaubsmagazin Glücksbringer (GERMAN)
Map St. Johann in Tirol
Map Kirchdorf
Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card
Glücksfibel Mein Yapadu (GERMAN)