Book Europäische Reiseversicherung
Carefree holiday in the St. Johann in Tirol region!
Your holiday has been booked and anticipation is high. It may also be that you unforeseen circumstances arise and you cannot go away on holiday or need to break-off your trip . In this instance, we recommend that you take outtravel cancellation insurance with our long-standing partner - Europäische Reiseversicherung.
Overview of services
checkNo-show or breaking off of travel are insured
checkUnexpected serious illness
checkSerious accident-related bodily injury
checkPregnancy & Pregnancy complications
checkSignificant damage to the place you are staying
checkIn the event of no-show, the contractually due cancellation costs will be compensated up to the insured travel cost
checkIn the event of breaking-off your trip, any unused travel services will be compensated up to the insured travel cost and any additional travel costs refunded
Is Corona / Covid-19 covered by insurance too?
In Hotelstorno Plus and Premium the guest is covered for cancellations and travel break-off for the following reasons:
Insurance protection covers:
checkGuest illness due to COVID-19
checkA close family member falling ill, or in a joint household there is a person who has COVID-19, and the guest is urgently needed at home
checkFever and suspected Corona, even if a test result later turns out to be negative
checkA positive test result, with no symptoms
checkA close family member in a joint household becomes ill and the guest has to quarantine
No insurance cover:
checkIf the guest is classified as an at risk person and is therefore not able to travel due to fear of infection
checkOn account of statutory preventive quarantine upon return to the guest's own country of residence
checkLoss of job due to dismissal caused by the pandemic
checkBorder closures, officially imposed hotel closures, lock down by the government (--> cessation of accommodation contract basis = no cancellation costs can be provided by the accommodation provider)

Taking out travel insurance
Get an insurance estimate and take out online right away
Emergency contact
Contact details for Europäische Reiseversicherung
In the event of emergency, please contact Europäische Reiseversicherung immediately at the number below. Service staff are there for you round the clock, right across the globe!
Emergency number: 0043 1 50 444 00
In the event of notification of claim
Once you have sent the online claim form, you will immediately receive a reply with your complaint number and information as to how to proceed further.
Should you have any questions the Service Center is available for you,
Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00, Tel. 0043 1 317 25 00 - 73930
Other contact options
Fax: 00 43 1 319 93 67 - 73930
Postal address: Kratochwjlestraße 4, A-1220 Vienna
Staffed: Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
Frequently asked questions on the topic of travel insurance
1. Estimate your Individual premium
Even before you take out your insurance online, you can quickly and anonymously estimate your personal premium for travel cancellation insurance. Just provide the number of people travelling with you, the length of your stay and the total travel price.
2. Enter your personal details
If you are happy with the estimated premium, you can purchase the insurance product direct online at Europäischen Reiseversicherung. Just enter the requisite personal details in the sections in the form.
3. Check over the details and pay
Before the actual payment process you have the opportunity to check your details again and to amend them if necessary. If all your details are correct, you can pay for the product direct via Europäischen Reiseversicherung, conveniently, quickly and securely using your credit card or via debit transfer.
4. Summary & Confirmation
Upon completion of insurance and successful payment, you will see an overview of the details you have provided us with on your screen, and your personal policy number. Please take a note of this and keep it safe. You will then receive a summary of your details direct from Europäische Reiseversicherung and the insurance policy you have ordered will be sent to you by e-mail. Please keep this correspondence and check it to make sure it is correct, just to be on the safe side.
Should you NOT receive an e-mail with the relevant details in the next few days, please contact the Europäische Reiseversicherung Service Centre direct, quoting the policy number.As soon as you have taken out travel cancellation insurance online, you will have your individual policy number on your screen. Soon after that you will receive an associated e-mail with your own insurance policy. This will include an overview of the details of your chosen insurance product, the policy number, information about insurance contract and the contract conditions along with the total costs, incl. taxes. Additional information regarding the scope of validity and your personal details complete your insurance policy. Insurance cover takes effect upon payment of the respective premium.
Should you not receive insurance confirmation via e-mail, please contact the Europäische Reiseversicherung service section (Tel. +43 1 317 2500 - 73920 oder Please retain your bespoke policy number for this communication, which will shown on the confirmation page of your screen for policies effected online.
We recommend that you print out these insurance documents and take them with you on your journey. Should you not have a printer, or no opportunity to print documents, please take a note of the insurance details, your policy number and the emergency telephone number for Europäische Reiseversicherung.Payment is effected direct with our insurance partner, Europäische Reiseversicherung. This can be done via classic transfer or by credit card.
The following credit cards are accepted:
- Mastercard / Eurocard
- American Express
- Diners ClubIn emergencies, please call the Europäische Reiseversicherung 24 hour emergency number on: +43 1 50 444 00
Is it necessary for you to cancel your trip or to leave early due to unforeseen circumstances? Then report incidences easily and with no hassle directly online with Europäische Reiseversicherung. Detailed information for the respective incident can be found on the homepage for Europäische Reiseversicherung.Complaints are always individually processed and assessed by Europäische Reiseversicherung. This may take some time, but generally no longer than 5 days. Please note that the insurance company is entitled to ask you for details and information about you, to be able to make an expedient assessment of possible complaints.
You can file a complaint conveniently and easily via the relevant online form at Europäische Reiseversicherung. Alternatively, you can lodge your complaint by e-mail to the complaints office ( or send a letter (to Europäische Reiseversicherung AG, FAO. Beschwerdestelle, Kratochwjlestraße 4, A-1220 Vienna).
Please state your personal details, your policy number and claim number. The more additional information you include, the more specific we are able to process complaints through your insurance.