Start in the center of town and walk towards Bichlhof. Follow the forest trail to a nearby farmhouse Rudl and continue along the wide road, from beautiful farmhouse to beautiful farmhouse. Benches along the way invite you to pause and enjoy wonderful views. The trail climbs and falls gently as it makes its way to Gieringer
Weiher, a swimming pond in a forest, and Vogelsberger Weiher, a wonderful place to sit
quietly and contemplate the beauty of nature. Via Steuerberg you reach the lake Schwarzsee in Kitzbühel. Schwarzsee is a picturesque moor lake and a popular destination for swimmers and sun worshippers. Don’t
forget to pack your swimming suits! To get back, you can take the train.
Alternative: Follow Römerweg to Oberndorf in Tirol. This is recommended if you wish
to take a stroll through glamorous Kitzbühel. To get back, walk towards the Hornbahn
base terminal and look for the Hinterobernau farmhouse museum where you pick up
Römerweg. Follow the signs back to Oberndorf.
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