Starting from the Oberndorf tourist office, turn right in front of the church and follow Bahnhofstraße through the pedestrian underpass to Wiesenschwang. Keep to the left after the Müllnerhof. In Wiesenschwang you can buy local food at some farms. Soon you leave the Römerweg and walk along the hiking and biking trail. After an underpass, your tour runs comfortably along the river Kitzbüheler Ache. On the way, you will pass the Egger factory. The wood materials manufacture is the largest employer in the region. Once you arrive in St. Johann in Tirol, turn right after the children's playground and reach via Speckbacherstrasse the mighty, baroque parish church. St. Johann in Tirol offers a variety of shopping opportunities and also cafes and restaurants. You can enjoy a St. Johann beer and a great view over the center from the Turmstüberl of the Huber brewery.
Cross the main square and follow the Kaiserstraße. After the bridge, turn left into Achenallee. The shady promenade first follows the Kitzbüheler Ache. Outside the center after an underpass then along the Reither Ache. Cross the next bridge and walk through the hamlet of Sperten with its beautiful farms in the direction of Oberndorf. Via Eberhartling you get back to the center of Oberndorf.
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