Lake Schwarzsee


  • EasyLevel
  • access_time4:30 hDuration
  • arrow_right_alt14,5 kmDistance
  • terrain839 mHighest point
  • trending_up299 mUphill
  • trending_down291 mDownhill
  • Show map
Schwarzsee im Winter mit Kitzbüheler Horn.jpg

Tour information

This hike starts at the tourist office in Oberndorf. Follow Lindenweg to the junction at Kreuzgasse. Walk through the residential area to Hartsteinwerk Kitzbühel. Follow the federal road for a short stretch until you get to a side road. Take the side road to the hamlet of Schmiedboden where you keep to the right. The trail takes you through snow-covered pastures and pat frosted trees to the old farmhouses on the Bichlach plateau. The hike continues past Gieringer Weiher pond. Continue through a charming little neighborhood of Kitzbühel to pristine Lake Schwarzsee, Tirol's largest moor lake. The hike continues along the shore for a little bit, past inns and then makes a left towards Steuerberg. Continue along a pretty trail until Schmiedboden. Back at Hartsteinwerk follow Josef Hager Straße to the center of Oberndorf.

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Lake Schwarzsee


  • check easy
  • check
  • check
  • well prepared asphalt and gravel trails
  • - outdoor clothing
    - sturdy shoes
    - Sufficient food and drinks
    - First aid kit
    - Mobile phone with full battery & charger
    - Hiking map & guide literature
    - GPS device or download the GPS data to your mobile phone if necessary
    - Sun protection (sunglasses, sun cream, cap)
    - Rain protection
    - Cash
  • Coming from Lofer via St. Johann in Tirol, take the B161 towards Kitzbühel. Turn right at Oberndorf and follow Bahnhofstraße into the village centre.

    Coming from the direction of Kitzbühel, take the B161 towards St. Johann in Tirol. Turn left at Oberndorf and follow Bahnhofstraße into the village centre.

    This is how you get to the St. Johann in Tirol region:
  • Postbus 4000 getting off at station: Oberndorf i.T. Ort
    Zug 201 Giselabahn getting off at station: Oberndorf i. T. Bahnhof

    Bus and traintimes:
  • Oberndorf i. T. cemetery free of charge parking lot
