PillerseeTal - Sommer - Ortsansicht - St. Ulrich am Pillersee

Village hike St. Ulrich am Pillerse

Mountain and Water Adventures - origin story of the village

Surrounded by the rugged peaks of the Loferer Steinberge and the softer slopes of the Kalkstein and the Buchensteinwand, St. Ulrich am Pillersee is located on a broad valley floor and offers the most varied mountain experiences between the poles of harmony and adventure. The Tyrolean “scattered village” is composed of several branched settlements, which have formed on either side of the Pillerseetalstraße. The patron saint of St. Ulrich am Pillersee - or Nuarach, as the locals call it - is Saint Ulrich of Augsburg. The area in the Pillersee was owned by the Count Palatine of Rott am Inn in Bavaria until the 15th Century. Afterwards, the area came to Tyrol by the Pillersee Landrecht. The name Pillersee comes from the old German word “puin” or “pillen”, which was used for a loud, rather terrifying sound. This “puin” was often heard in the olden days during the winter timber hauling across the frozen Pillersee lake. “Today he “puit” again”, cried the woodcutters, when the heavily strained ice broke under the weight of the heavy horse and carts, and subsided on the water surface below. This “breaking” of the ice was, however, seen as a positive thing, as it then lay on the water and the load-bearing capacity was improved by this. The dialect name Nuarach also relates back to the patron saint of the village. In the past, people in the mountain regions used to say “Ui” to Ulrich, which developed into “Uirach”, roughly meaning the property of Ulrich, and subsequently became "Nuarach”. In addition to the countless tourist businesses, there are many - mainly with a small-scale structure - economic enterprises in St. Ulrich and the whole village is of course strongly influenced by agriculture. Hospitality is a top priority and is lived by all.

  • PillerseeTal - St. Ulrich am Pillersee - village tour
    Village tour through St. Ulrich am Pillersee - leisurely walk to the village's places of interest, which simply shouldn't be missed.
  • PillerseeTal - St. Ulrich am Pillersee - village tour
    Village tour through St. Ulrich am Pillersee - leisurely walk to the village's places of interest, which simply shouldn't be missed.
  • PillerseeTal - St. Ulrich am Pillersee - village tour
    Village tour through St. Ulrich am Pillersee - leisurely walk to the village's places of interest, which simply shouldn't be missed.
  • PillerseeTal - St. Ulrich am Pillersee - village tour
    Village tour through St. Ulrich am Pillersee - leisurely walk to the village's places of interest, which simply shouldn't be missed.
  • PillerseeTal - St. Ulrich am Pillersee - village tour
    Village tour through St. Ulrich am Pillersee - leisurely walk to the village's places of interest, which simply shouldn't be missed.
  • PillerseeTal - summer - village view - parish church - St. Ulrich am Pillersee
    Village view of St. Ulrich am Pillersee with its parish church
  • PillerseeTal - summer - village view - St. Ulrich am Pillersee
    Village view of St. Ulrich am Pillersee with the Pillersee in the foreground

Data & Facts

  • checkTown: St. Ulrich am Pillersee

  • checkStarting Point: Village centre

  • checkCar Parks: Village centre (paid parking)

  • checkDifficulty level: easy

  • checkWalking time: approx. 2 hours

  • checkChild- and family-friendly: Yes

  • checkAccessible with pushchairs: Yes


Cafe 'Platzerl'

Cafe 'Platzerl'
Cafe 'Platzerl'
Closed todaySt. Ulrich am Pillersee


Open todaySt. Ulrich am Pillersee

The Stops at a glance

➀ Ulrichsbrunnen

➀ Ulrichsbrunnen

The village fountain in the centre of St. Ulrich am Pillersee was built in 1993 as part of the village square redevelopment by the Wilschönau artist Hubert Flörl. The fountain is said to have mental and spiritual effects on those observing it. On hot summer days the fountain is in high demand for cooling off and quenching your thirst!
➁ Grieselbach

➁ Grieselbach

The stream has it's source on the Tyrolean side of the Loferer Steinberge. It almost completely encircles the mountain range and forms the range's West and North borders. As a result, it changes name several times. The stream springs from the municipality of St. Ulrich am Pillersee on the Hochsäul (1,757 m) and flows in a south westerly direction through the Griseltal. In the traditional rural district of Flecken, the stream makes an abrupt turn and reaches the Pillersee after several kilometers. After “St. Adolari, the small pilgrimage chapel on the northern end of the lake, the stream passes the Öfenschlucht towards Waidring, changing its name in Haselbach and empties into the Saalach river in Lofer. Of the countless streams, that pour down from the mountain slopes into the valley, the Grieselbach has always been one of the most dangerous in the municipality of St. Ulrich. The first flood protection measures of the stream were put into place from as early as the year 1880. Throughout the years, the Heller and Hasling barriers were erected and raised time and time again. Due to the direct influence in the Pillersee, there is also, of course, a very large abundance of fish in the Grieselbach. Its banks invite you to relax and play in the mountain stream, especially in the wildly romantic area of the Grieseltal, located below the Loferer Steinberge.
➂ Pillersee & Trout

➂ Pillersee & Trout

The name Pillersee can be found at the beginning of the written records for the whole region. The first officially documented reference dates back to the year 1151. Since 1994, the lake has belonged to the municipality St. Ulrich am Pillersee. The tributaries of the lake are the Grieselbach and the Brunnbach. At its deepest point, the depth of the lake is 7m. The Pillersee owes its creation to a landslide around 15,000 years ago, which interrupted the outflow at the level of the Öfenschlucht causing the water to build up in the Pillersee. It is the largest lake in the Kitzbühel district with an area of almost 30 hectares and also one of the richest mountain fishing lakes in the entire Alpine region. Predominantly salmonids (trout, char, white fish) can be found in the lake, making the water very popular among fishermen too. The delicious Pillersee fish can be enjoyed in the restaurants around the lake in a variety of dishes. The emerald-green Pillersee offers a wealth of leisure activities and is popular among both guests and locals alike as an excursion destination: A tour in a pedal boat, a stroll around the lake, Kneipp therapy or simply letting your mind wander on the banks!
➃ Kneipp facilities - "From Water to the Church"

➃ Kneipp facilities - "From Water to the Church"

The „Kneipp medicine“ or „Kneipp therapy“ is a treatment procedure named after the priest Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897). It can be used as both a preventative treatment method and as a treatment for existing illnesses. After a leisurely hike around the Pillersee, or a extensive mountain tour in the Steinberge mountains, there is nothing more refreshing than a circuit in the Kneipp facilities. Here you can experience the mountain water in its most natural form. The area invites you to stay a while. Whilst here, you have a direct view of the parish church of St. Ulrich am Pillersee, of the Kalkstein massif and towards Schafelberg (1597 m) and Kirchberg (1678 m). The pine forests in this area are still used for the pine oil distillery company Mack today!
➄ Viewpoint: Buchensteinwand with the Jakobskreuz

➄ Viewpoint: Buchensteinwand with the Jakobskreuz

The Buchensteinwand is surrounded by the towns of St. Ulrich am Pillersee, St. Jakob in Haus, Fieberbrunn and Hochfilzen and can be hiked to from all angles. Signposted hiking trails and a mountain bike track lead directly to the panoramic mountain in the middle of the PillerseeTal. You can easily reach the summit with the chairlift of the Bergbahn Pillersee. The summit of the Buchensteinwand is located in the municipality of St. Jakob in Haus, the Jakobsweg runs from down in the valley and on the Buchensteinwand a distinctive highlights awaits: the completely accessible Jakobskreuz! It is located at 1,456 m altitude, has a total height of 29.6 m and was built during the years 2013-2014. Look-out points and panoramic terraces provide breathtaking panoramic views and exhibitions regularly grace the interior area of the cross. The Jakobskreuz is also popular as a place to rest, think and a place of strength and nowadays several presentations, weddings and other events also take place there. The Buchensteinwand and the Jakobskreuz are not just popular tourist destinations in summer. In winter, the slopes are a special family ski area, with a large children's playground, and the signposted routes are a safe ascent option for ski tourer! The Jakobskreuz and “Das Weitblick - RESTAURANT” invite guests to the diverse panoramic mountain all year round!
➅ Monument "Heinrichsäule"

➅ Monument "Heinrichsäule"

The lumpen wayside shrine was built in the 18th Century. According to oral tradition, a scourge of pests (scarab grubs) plagued the area. People called to their patron saint Ulrich and the holy Emperor Heinrich for help. And these calls for help were answered, as the catastrophe turned out to be smaller than feared. In 1984, the column was moved and renovated by the village's marksman - on the occasion of the 175 anniversary of the Tyrolean freedom fighter Andreas Hofer. The four niches were redesigned by the Fieberbrunn painter Robert Siorpaes and show the Blessed Mother and Child and the saints Ulrich, Emperor Heinrich and Johannes Nepomuk. The Heinrich column is the first station on the annual Corpus Christi procession.
➆ A short trip to the "pine oil distillery MACK"

➆ A short trip to the "pine oil distillery MACK"

In 1856, Mathias Mack from Bad Reichenhall discovered mountain pines to be medicinal plants. Pine oil production began from as early as 1906 in St. Ulrich am Pillersee and the company Mack is one of the oldest pine oil distilleries in the world. In the formerly, pure rural structure of the community, pine oil production was the only notable, non-agricultural employer until the post-war period. The Augsburger pharmacist Hans Berger soon became a partner and managing director of Mathias Mack and the Berger family still runs the pine oil distillery to this day. The products and applications of pine oil ensure a soothing experience for body, mind and soul. With a small museum, a film room, guided tours through the distillery and of course the natural experience related to the operation, the Mack company has in the meantime developed into a highly-frequented tourist attraction.
➇ Pillersee Marksmen - the Tyrolean rebellion

➇ Pillersee Marksmen - the Tyrolean rebellion

This dwelling place recalls the tradition of the Tyrolean marksmen during the Tyrolean rebellion. The Pillersee marksmen were founded on 8th December 1982. In 1995, the marksmen erected this cross and the St. Ulricher woodcarver Bartl Wagstätter carved the wooden God. The inscription on the commemorative plaque on the stone says “Consecrated to the heart of Jesus as a legacy from our fathers and mission for our church”. The first concrete reference to the marksmen in St. Ulrich can be found in the church records from as early as 1671. Through a new source from Dr. Herwig Pirkl, the names of the Nuaracher Schützen are even known from the year 1676. It is interesting to note, that the vast majority of marksmen in St. Ulrich were equipped with their own muskets, unlike their comrades in other PillerseeTal communities. As part of the Pillersee contingent under the captains Simon Fiechter and Christian Blattl, countless St. Ulricher marksmen took part in the battles of the Tyrolean Rebellion of 1809. Particularly worth mentioning is the heroic defence of the Pass Strub at Waidring against a twentyfold superior force of Bavarian enemies. During these fights, in May 1809, the St. Ulricher farmer Thomas Schwenter “Peitingbauer” was captured. He died a few months later in Bavarian imprisonment in Munich. The second station of the annual Corpus Christi procession is located at this wooden cross.
➈ "Koglerkapelle" - View "from mountain to the church"

➈ "Koglerkapelle" - View "from mountain to the church"

Small chapels, shrines, or wayside crosses are a widespread form of popular devotion in the Alpine countries and should also serve as aincentive to prayer. The motivation for the erection or construction of these sites is often gratitude for overcoming dangers or epidemics. These treasures are also erected to remember particular fortunes or misfortunes and to honour important people. The third station of the Corpus Christi procession is found at the Koglerkappelle. From here you have a wonderful view of the parish church of St. Ulrich am Pillersee and the Loferer Steinberge. It is simultaneously the highest point on the circular village walk. Here the Jakobsweg branches off, which leads directly to the pilgrimage church.
➉ The Parish Church and the parsonage "rectory"

➉ The Parish Church and the parsonage "rectory"

The church of Saint Ulrich once belonged to the Rott am Inn monastery and is without a doubt the oldest church in the region. It was first mentioned in the year 1100. In around 1500, the original church was replaced by a late Gothic construction. Further renovation work, the majority in the Baroque style, followed over the centuries. The last major renovation was completed in 1970. The location in the north of the community may be surprising! St. Ulrich am Pillersee is a scattered village, which comprises of several hamlets on the right and left of the Pillerseestraße. The hamlet of Flecken, which impresses with its loving design, rural tradition and practised culture is located in the far south, closer to St. Jakob in Haus than the church of St. Ulrich. And that's exactly where, according to legend, the Parish church should have been built: The wood for the construction of the church came from the Eastern side of the Pillersee, where the so-called “Steinberg larches” grow - a quite special, good and hard type of larch wood. In the winter, the wood was cut down in the valley and pulled across the lake by a horse and cart. During these trips, there was a buzzing and crackling sound, which sounded like the lake was complaining and that the wood did not want to be taken away from its surroundings. The wood was brought to Flecken and processed for the construction of the church. The workers injured themselves frequently and to such an extent, that people believed, the Pillersee had bewitched the square and the wood. The construction work was terminated and later the church was rebuilt nearer to the Pillersee, in its current location, where the workers were able to complete the building with no complications. It was said, that when the lake saw its wood again, it was happy! In Flecken, they built a chapel, but only used wood from Flecken itself.
The subsidiary church St. Adolari

The subsidiary church St. Adolari

The small pilgrimage chapel is located on the northern end of the Pillersee and is devoted to Saint Adolar. In 1957, frescoes from the 14th Century were exposed and restored during renovation work to the choir. It turned out, that among these frescoes was the second oldest cycle of the Virgin Mary's life in Tyrol. The small, romantic chapel is used mainly for weddings, christenings, etc. The inn with the same name invited you in to stop by for a bite to eat with Tyrolean traditional fare and fish from the lake on offer!

Further tour recommendations


Weitentalwegaccess_time2:00 harrow_right_alt6,5 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Teufelsklammaccess_time0:25 harrow_right_alt0,6 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Bienenlehrpfadaccess_time0:25 harrow_right_alt0,5 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Jakobswegaccess_time10:00 harrow_right_alt24,9 kmfavorite_borderfavorite

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