Maria Bill


Maria Bill



Event information

Since the 100th anniversary of Edith Piaf's birth, Maria Bill's concerts have gone down a storm with her very personal Piaf programme. On each of these evenings, the artist has received standing ovations. Her last concert here with us on 30 September 2012 was also a complete success. This programme is simply always worth seeing and hearing. No two concert evenings are the same and Maria Bill always succeeds in presenting new facets of this unique phenomenon. Towards the end of the evening, it's hard to tell whether it's Bill or Piaf on stage. Two great musicians accompany Maria Bill throughout the evening: Michael Hornek on piano & Krzysztof Dobrek on accordion.

Prices:VVK € 29,00 AK € 31,00 Possible € 24,00 Youth € 19,00

More information about the event and ticket sales can be found here.

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