Wandern Familie Hohe Salve

The Family Autumn Weeks in the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser -Brixental

Get the free adventure hiking pass for children and teenagers now

In the Kitzbühel Alps summer lasts considerably longer - and that with great offers and low prices! Because during the Family Autumn Weeks all children under 15 years receive the SkiWelt-adventure-hiking-pass for free. With this cable car combo-ticket you can not only use 15 summer mountain lifts, but also get free admission to all mountain adventure worlds of the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental. Until 5 November, most cable cars and mountain adventure worlds are open. With only one ticket you can use 15 cable cars and seven unique mountain adventure worlds.

Period: 02 September – 02 November 2025

Your benefits

  • checkfree adventure hiking pass for children up to 15 years

  • checkMountain adventure for the whole family at fantastic prices

  • Hiking family Hohe Salve
    With the help of the gondola, the hiking-family ventures up to lofty heights. On the summit of the Hohe Salve, a great panoramic hiking trail is waiting for them.
  • Hiking with the family
    When hiking with the family, you can tune out any everyday stress and spend time with your loved ones.
  • Fun and games
    The Riddle Rally combines hiking with various riddles and fun.

In winter, the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental shines as one of the biggest and most modern ski areas in Austria. In summer, hikers and families delight in the generous cable car offer. In addition to the extensive network of hiking trails, the seven mountain adventure worlds are also waiting to be discovered by your loved ones. And a hiking holiday with the whole family does not have to put too much strain on the budget, either. During the Family Autumn Weeks, you can save a bundle. All children and teenagers receive a free Cable Car Adventure Card and parents profit from the low cost off-season tickets. This attractive offer can be used from 3 days. Please note that this offer cannot be used with season tickets, Kitzbüheler Alpen Summer Cards and other promotional offers.

And this is how it works:

  • One parent buys a Cable Car Adventure Card min. 3 days - the economical off-season rate applies

  • All children up to and including 15 years then receive a free hiking pass for the same period

  • Please note: children need to show ID, cable car tickets issued only at the cable car cash desks, cannot be combined with additional discount-offers

The summer-mountain-adventure-worlds of the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental

The summer-mountain-adventure-worlds of the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental
The summer-mountain-adventure-worlds of the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental

Not only in winter does the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental offer an incredible experience. In summer, too, there is plenty on offer in the mountains. Encounter witches, magicians, giants and spend an eventful time with the family in the alpine world of the Kitzbühel Alps.


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Camping Reiterhof

Camping Reiterhof
Camping Reiterhof


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Golden Autumn Moments

Golden Autumn Moments
Golden Autumn Moments

Take a holiday during the most beautiful season in the Kitzbühel Alps. Enjoy the pleasant temperatures and experience the Holiday Region Hohe Salve in all its colourful splendour in autumn


More events in autumn

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Vinyasa Flow YogaHopfgarten im Brixental 06:30 PMfavorite_borderfavorite

Horse-drawn sleigh ride

Horse-drawn sleigh ride
Horse-drawn sleigh ride

Bookable online

Hopfgarten im Brixental 04:00 PM, 04:30 PMfavorite_borderfavorite