Spielende Kinder Moor & more - Region St. Johann in Tirol

Moor & more adventure world

A unique moor landscape on the Wilder Kaiser in St. Johann in Tirol!

On the south-east side of the distinctive Kaiser mountains in Tirol an almost forgotten natural gem has been rediscovered: the moor landscape in the Wilder Kaiser. Two adventure-packed paths cross this unique moor landscape. Fun play stations combined with puzzles and information about the natural surroundings are the perfect way to round off a day of fun and hiking. Along with the moor sprite Törfchen and his cool friend Rocky, dive into the variety on offer in Tirol’s natural surroundings and enjoy exploring, relaxing and exercising out in the open air in Moor & adventure world!

Depending on the snow conditions, the Rocky and Törfchen Loops are open from May to October. But if it is a hard winter, it may be that there may be a delay of a few weeks in setting up the play and puzzle stations.


  • checkattractive family hiking paths (Törfchen path is also suitable for prams)

  • checkEngaging and informative themed display boards

  • checkUnique flora and fauna

  • Information board Moor & more - St. Johann in Tirol region
    Family in front of the information board at Moor & more in St. Johann in Tirol.
  • Moor & more adventure world - St. Johann in Tirol region
    A unique moor landscape on the Wilder Kaiser!
  • Discover nature Moor & more - St. Johann in Tirol region
    Family exploring the natural surroundings in Moor & more in St. Johann in Tirol.
  • Moor & more adventure world - St. Johann in Tirol region
    A unique moor landscape on the Wilder Kaiser!
  • Jetty at Moor & more - St. Johann in Tirol region
    Children running on the platform in Moor & more in St. Johann in Tirol
  • Moor & more adventure world on the Wilder Kaiser - St. Johann in Tirol region
    A unique moor landscape on the Wilder Kaiser!
  • Moor & more adventure world - St. Johann in Tirol region
    A unique moor landscape on the Wilder Kaiser!

Good to know

  • checkCar parking: Forest playground St. Johann in Tirol, Start Törfchenweg St. Johann in Tirol and hike starting area HĂĽttling in Going (fee payable)

  • checkWC: Forest playground St. Johann in Tirol and hike starting area HĂĽttling

  • checkSuitable for prams: Yes (Törfchen path)

  • checkMiscellaneous: Exciting adventure path with play stations


Moor & more adventure world in St. Johann in Tirol

On the south-east side of the impressive Kaiser mountains an almost forgotten natural gem has been re-discovered: The Moor & more adventure world provides two exciting adventure paths through the moor landscape.

Moor and more illustrations: Regina Tschurtschenthaler


Two adventure paths through the moor landscape!

During a hike through Moor & more adventure world on the Wilder Kaiser you get to find out all kinds of things about the special flora & fauna in this renaturated moor landscape. There are informative display boards and lots of stations with games on the routes.

Moor & more hikes
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Adventure world for children

A real play paradise for the little ones!

Children playing in Moor & more - St. Johann in Tirol region
Moor & more in St. Johann in Tirol is a real paradise for children. An extensive play area, puzzles, card punch and play stations, along with a moor landscape can be found in this moor landscape. You start by finding out about the moor soil and gain an understanding of the various different sub-surfaces. You learn more about the inhabitants of the moor landscapes, starting with the dragonflies to spiders and beetles to the yellow-bellied toad which you get to observe live in their habitat. Who knows, you might even see an amphibian or another moor inhabitant on its way back home to the moor. A wonderful landscape of a very special kind awaits, while Törfchen and Rocky will explain exactly what you are seeing and discovering.

A surprise awaits ...
Get the ’Moor & more adventure world’ brochure from Kitzbühel Alps St. Johann in Tirol tourist office, or at the tourist office in Going am Wilder Kaiser. When all the stations have been passed, and the fields from at least one circuit have been stamped on the brochure, a little surprise is waiting for moor explores in the information office in St. Johann in Tirol and Going. So get going, explore the moor area and discover the secrets of this almost forgotten landscape in our area.


Marsh landscape in St. Johann in Tirol region!

Moor & more adventure world - St. Johann in Tirol region
The Kaiser mountains span a length of around 14 km. The moor in St. Johann in Tirol is home to a highly sensitive habitat. Hüttlmoos, Windwehenmoos, Steinbichlwaldmoor, to mention just a few, are vestiges of days long past. They are 'remnants' of the last Ice Age. From forested areas with black alder, mountain birch and alder buckthorn, right the way through to cotton grass and sedge stocks, where your gaze is drawn to the tender buckbean and the endangered bog arum, and where all the micro-habitats come together. They create a mosaic between the woodlands their fantastic colours make them enchanting. Whether spring, summer or in autumn – they always provide us with new sights and still remain mysterious and mystical.

What makes a moor so unique. Moors are the earth's so-called wetlands and are a habitat characterised by water. They are unspoiled, fulfil many and varied functions, for people too. On the one hand they store carbon in the ground, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect. On the other, they can absorb an enormous amount of water and thereby reduce peak flow rates in the event of heavy rainfall. They also release the additional uptake of water slowly into the surrounding area, which means that relatively low amounts of water are filtered into the already full streams.


Types of plants in the moor landscape

Moor & more adventure world - St. Johann in Tirol region
Water and light – that's all moor plants need to survive. They are perfectly adapted to suit the extreme conditions of the moor, however they react all the more sensitively to any change in their habitat. The best known and probably most characteristic plant in the moor is bog moss. It stores up to 30 times its weight in water. The decaying part of bog moss is what makes up turf. Layers of turf create a substrate for many other, partly endangered, plants, for instance sundew, which is from the group of carnivorous plants. In early summer the blossoms from cotton grasses lend a beautiful white shimmer to the moors in the Kaiser mountains. The cotton grass forms soft areas of grass and propagates by way of its runners.

Sedges, rushes and bulrushes can also be found at the edge of the moor. These are also part of the sedge family and create the characteristic “bitter meadows” here. In days of yore these were continuously mown to make hay for horses, these days they are no longer used because of their low nutritional value, which has lead to scrub encroachment in these areas.


Animal species in Moor & more!

Moor & more adventure world - St. Johann in Tirol region
There is a diverse range of animals in the moor in the Wilder Kaiser in St. Johann in Tirol. At HĂĽttlmoos you get to encounter the yellow-bellied toad. This 5 cm batrachian gets its name from its yellow belly. In contrast to its close relative, the local firebelly toad, the yellow-bellied toad, which is found predominantly in mountainous areas, does not have a vocal bladder - so its call is gentle.

The moors are also a paradise for a variety of birds, butterfly, spider and dragonfly species. Many different types of dragonflies live here - including the golden-ringed dragonfly.

Snack stop options

Inn along the tour!

On the circular hiking trail you will also find a wonderful Tyrolean inn, which invite you to take a break and enjoy a cosy meal. The family-run Gasthof Rummlerhof, which is still a farm and offers delicacies and delicacies from Tyrol. At the Rummlerhof there is also an exciting play station of the Törfchen Loop. So you can eat and drink comfortably while the little ones are well looked after.

Gasthof Rummlerhof

Gasthof Rummlerhof
Gasthof Rummlerhof
Closed todaySt. Johann in Tirol


Route planner

Getting to Moor & more
