Lars Ruppel and the St. Johann region
A Poetry Slammer on holiday happiness!
Poetry Slammer Lars Ruppel writes poems about his own personal experiences of happiness. In so doing he looks at genuine moments of happiness and looks at them in detail: What does a hiking trail experience with you? What is happening in your head when you are crossing a river or a gorge? What is so special about an Alpine lodge and sugared and shredded pancakes? What exactly does it feel like to ski on a fresh piste?
About the present • Poetry Slam von Lars Ruppel
About the snow • Poetry Slam by Lars Ruppel
About packing • Poetry Slam by Lars Ruppel
About feasting • Poetry Slam by Lars Ruppel
About hiking • Poetry Slam by Lars Ruppel
Poetry Slam to read at home • "About the present"
This is for you sun-hungry social distancing champions
Who long for a slap-happy lust-for-life-ambience
This is for the disciplined infection curve flatners
For the indulgent savers of life, health and what matters
With these words we`d like to say: Thanks for your patience!
And invite you to refuel with a joyful vacation
We've made good use of our time here without you
We've made the mountain lakes even more blue
At dawn they now reflect the light glistening rosy
We even managed to make your rooms 70% more cosy
We were able to change the glow of the flourishing veil
so that the colours of the flowers lining the hiking trails
now bewitch with an even more beautiful charm
We rehearsed to draw pictures with icing sugar on Kaiserschmarrn
We have polished all of the mountain bike tracks
We have restaged the dramatic panoramas from scratch
We perfected the idyllic alps and their clover
We will fade out the sunsets even slower
We've moved the tables on the terraces apart for you and good reason
So that cohesion stays strong all through holiday season
And we invented a smile you can feel through any mask
We have enough "Yapadu!" to make your soul gasp
After times full of struggle the happy end is this:
A stay with the world's best ranking masters of bliss
Poetry Slam to read at home • "About the snow"
Is it the angle the sunlight falls
The glistening of the just fallen crystal snow
That covers the bodies of the impressive mountains
Awakening dissipating colours?
Or is it the sight of the gaping expanse
Knowing you are standing a hair’s breath away from a chamois
From a spine-tingling descent
Or is it the air that you learn to love again
When you stand there, alone, because the ski folk are still sleeping
When you breathe in deeply and that breath burns
Like a delicate fire that fills your body
While somewhere outside the slope terrors bellow
And you know it’s all been happening
Are these clouds you are standing on
You are indeed heading down, you know that
But when it feels like you are rushing high up in the
sky, the descent feels faster
Is that happiness, is that a rush, is it legal?
After all, gravity is pulling tenderly on your body weight
The valley writes a mountain love poem
The ascent, the descent, everything comes full circle
Becomes one with a frothy whipped cream snow
An apres-ski cocktail of beauty and time
Cheers emotional torsional stiffness
Poetry Slam to read at home • "About packing"
Come out of the cupboard you old suitcase
You have been there too long
For too long have people
written us postcards
Now it is time for us to travel
To head for happiness
Let the post jingle in vain
I want us never to meet again
Two weeks my eternity
It just feels so much like eternity
I am so in need of a holiday
How in need of a holiday one can be
What will I take with me? What will I miss?
There, where there is everything I need
In a suitcase there is farewell
And reunion too
A long composed resolution
That never read book
The map of treasure experiences
For the moments I am looking for
A clock that shows no time
A calendar without a sheet
And notes for a meeting
That just doesn’t happen
An excited breath
That relaxes
My passion for life
That rekindles me
My photo-hungry eyes
That want to see something big
My legs that will carry me to the loveliest
A huge smile on my face
Oneness with sun and rain
An anchor for floating
Through the ease of being
‘Yapadu", that’s what I’ll cry out
When I have just finished
When happiness falls into my lap
And I forget my every day life
Yearning takes up most of my space
It is as great as the summit of the Kreuzjoch
My heart pounding in my ears
The journey finally gets going
With the suitcase in my hands
I am leaving everything right here
Only taking what I need
En route to happiness
Poetry Slam to read at home • "About feasting"
There once lived,
in the depths of the valley,
a sad chef.
He liked to cook
yet found it so dull
that there was continually salad
Everyone was watching
their figure
And the chef came up with combinations
How insanely he composed
He created poetry
Wrote stories of cake
Oh what he did
People ordered salad
The chef went to the door
Left the kitchen
Did they need a chef
As he bade farewell however
he was aglow
The Kitzbühler Horn
and the clouds in front
Enter a heavenly choir
Snowflakes sparkled
The chef saw the glow
And the chef saw the snow
And there the chef had a fantastic idea
To make a dough with the most golden sheen
A buttery substantial pastry
Which upon eating would elicit loud groans of happiness
As if an emperor had been topped with sugar:
That should be the adornment
And desire for the eater
Snuggling in icing sugar
That is how it would be defined
And so it was a different
Kaiserschmarrn that was born
In dumpling land
Poetry Slam to read at home • "About hiking"
On sunny summer days
Here, one could almost say it is
like a dream, that you wake up in
When in Alpine panoramas
that embrace every day
Taking a mountain walk
Beaming from ear to ear
Heart pounding
We stomp on noble paths
With slightly cramping calves
through the landscape, thinking
Catching sight of these monuments
hanging on these moments
framed in our heart
This beauty has something heavy
Yet in the spray of the sea of flowers
A great thirst is stemmed
When you stand there in heavy shoes
Worries calm
Is that the picture of a picture
When while resting,
a water bottle
another Landjäger are discovered
You can look at the mountains
Just be happy and nibble
That is heaven, that you are tasting
With other hiking groups
Like shooting stars of functional clothing
Flying through again and back
Many racing, many crawling
But all hikers smell
Great after freshly found happiness
Behind the scenes during filming!
Day 1, Studio 1, Poetry Slammer 1. Lars Ruppel performs in a classic studio set-up. 4 episodes were recorded on that day. During them, Lars poetized about hiking, feasting, packing and about the snow. A specific costume and a special studio design was chosen for each episode.
Who is Lars Ruppel?
One of the most successful German-speaking poetry slammers!
Lars Ruppel is one of the most successful German speaking word champions of all time. He has won the Poetry Slam Championships in several disciplines and has penned two poetry best-sellers with ‘Holger, die Waldfee’ and ‘Die Kuh vom Eis’. His poem ‘Alter Schwede’ is for any Slam fans the quintessential Slam work. With his project ‘Weckworte’ he inspired caregivers to use poetry in the daily care of people with dementia. Lars Ruppel is a poet and lives in Berlin. He works across the globe, appearing on stage and working for companies to make business more poetic.
He has created 4 ‘Travel Slams’ for the St. Johann in Tirol region, and with them is bringing poetic expression to his YAPADU feeling for nature and the region.
I ask myself, how can you NOT write poems about this lovely area. That is a normal physical reaction to beauty.
Working with the team was like a holiday. Lots of video recordings were made too.

Lars Ruppel
Poet • Berlin man • Alpine fan