Brixental Autumn

the season of variety

Autumn in Brixental combines autumnal hikes and bike tours, cultural events and culinary highlights. Gentle alpine hikes, leisurely bike tours in our natural side valleys or rather high up, towards the summit. There is something for everyone. Magnificent views and clear autumn air await as a reward. Autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons for all golf fans. Green fairways, lined with trees and shrubs that glow in bright, warm tones.

The culinary table is also richly laid. The finest specialties from the forest and meadows are on the menu. Regionality and sustainability are a matter of course in good gastronomy. The products grown in the region are of the highest quality, and you can see this for yourself on site. For example, by making a detour to one of our regional farm stores. The region's produce is as plentiful as the season itself and the pleasant climate motivates you to do something good for yourself.

Summer weekly program

Summer weekly program
Summer weekly program

Book here already in advance or spontaneously during your trip one of our experiences from our versatile summer week program. There is something for everyone here.


Top events in the fall

Colourful Hiking Tips