
The logo for the St. Johann in Tirol region!

In principle there are 4 variants of the logo. As a standard, there is the multi-coloured logo. This appears on a white background, and shading is used for the border. Exact specifications about the shading can be found in our style guide. The black and negative variants of the logo are only used as exceptions, when it is not possible for the multi-coloured logo to be used. The logo should not be changed or distorted.

Please get in touch should you have any questions!

Tourismusverband Kitzbüheler Alpen St. Johann in Tirol – Oberndorf – Kirchdorf – Erpfendorf
Poststraße 2, 6380 St. Johann in Tirol, Tel. +43 5352 63335-0, marketing@kitzalps.cc

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