St. Johann in Tirol is named "Best Tourism Village by UN Tourism"

The international ‘Best Tourism Village by UN Tourism’ award went to St. Johann in Tirol!

St. Johann in Tirol is now officially a "Best Tourism Village"! Our town was the only place in Austria to receive an award from UN Tourism. This prestigious award emphasises our commitment to sustainable tourism and preservation of our cultural values.

Award for this tourist location

Since 2021 the world tourism organisation ‘UN Tourism’ – a subsidiary organization of the UNO – has given the award ‘Best Tourism Village’ to towns and villages across the globe who set an outstanding example for rural tourism and who recognize cultural and natural values.

Over 260 towns across 60 nations from all over the globe made bids this year to the world tourism organisation UN Tourism for the ‘Best Tourism Village’ award – 55 towns actually received awards. An international expert panel of judges evaluated towns with a maximum of 15,000 inhabitants in nine areas, including cultural/natural resources, sustainability, added regional value, governance along with health and security.

The "Best Tourism Villages" are regarded as international Best Practice exemplars for sustainable tourist development in rural areas, receiving worldwide visibility through UN Tourism and benefiting from a global network of winning destinations. The Austrian ambassadors represented us at the celebratory gala event in Cartagena, Columbia on 14th November. In Vienna on Monday, 18th November, the award was officially presented to the tourist association chairman and to our mayor.

Assessment criteria

  • checkCultural and natural resources

  • checkEconomic, social and environmental sustainability

  • checkTourism potential/development and regional value-chain integration

  • checkGovernance

  • checkInfrastructure and accessibility

  • checkHealth and security


Best Tourism Villages by UN Tourism 2024

55 rural tourist destinations were awarded this year. St. Johann in Tirol was among the proud winners.

We put forward an application for Best Tourism Village to enter into dialogue with international colleagues with regard to sustainability and to benefit from a global network. The fact that we have now received an award is an honour for us and is validation with regard to our actions for the future, after all, in our region tourism thrives on the local people and their culture – and this ought to remain in the future.

Josef Grander

Chairman of the tourist association

The most innovative projects

  • checkTourist umbrella marketing: Kitzbüheler Alpen Management GmbH is an independent company with four shareholders whose task it is to promote the offers available for tourists. The combined organization of provisions, including KAT-Walk, KAT-Bike, mobility with ÖBB local public transportation and a website, enables regions to present a variety offers for guests - something that would not have been possible for individual regions to do by themselves.

  • checkDigital traffic management system: to improve traffic in the village and facilitate mobility for locals and tourists, the village developed an innovative digital traffic management system. This system uses technologies such as GPS to control the flow of traffic in an optimum manner and provide tourists with information about the latest traffic conditions.

  • checkCo-Working space ‘Weltraum’: The unique concept of the co-working space ‘Weltraum’ enables tourists and locals to work in inspiring surroundings, at a specifically designed work space which facilitates ad hoc working.


Best Tourism Villages 2024 by UN Tourism • St. Johann in Tirol

Sustainability has already been actively promoted in St. Johann inTirol for many years.

Sustainability takes centre stage

  • Environmental sustainability: We emphasize initiatives such as the promotion of environmentally-friendly businesses and responsible tourism.

  • Economic sustainability: Our local marketing organisation "Ortsmarketing" supports the development of the town with events, by helping businesses become established and expand, as well as making the town more appealing for the people who live here and tourists.

  • Social sustainability: We actively promote engagement in tourism with our coaching programme, training sessions and by working alongside social support groups to promote integration for people who have disabilities.

  • Efforts to preserve the natural surroundings: We support initiatives which promote the preservation of our natural surroundings, including the Kaisergebirge Nature Reserve and sustainable tourism practices such as "Blüten.Reich", which promotes species diversity.

Award presentation by Secretary of State for Tourism Susanne Kraus-Winkler in Vienna

  • Award for Best Tourism Villages 2 (c)BKA Christopher Dunker
  • Award for Best Tourism Villages 4 (c)BKA Christopher Dunker
  • Award for Best Tourism Villages 10 (c)BKA Christopher Dunker

St. Johann in Tirol is not just a tourist town, above all else it is a place were local people and visitors alike meet. Our main aim is to create a sustainable future for our market town and incorporate the needs of our regional population, as well as economic and tourist development.

Stefan Seiwald

Mayor of the market town of St. Johann in Tirol

Best Tourism Villages by UN Tourism 2024

The international award “Best Tourism Village by UN Tourism” went to St. Johann in Tirol! 55 rural tourism communities were recognized in 2024. Further information about the award and the organization can be found here!
