Practice makes perfect - even as a young boy, I went on various youth camps in the mountains with the Alpine Club. These excursions had a great impact on my life - in a positive sense, of course!
However, after things were a bit quieter during my apprenticeship in the sports business, I was once again infected with the climbing virus and undertook numerous mountain trips in all disciplines. Since I don't just call this sport as such, but rather see it as a way of life, I decided to train as a mountain guide, true to the motto: Turning a hobby into a profession.
Now I can also take other people into this wonderful world and share in the fascination and beauty that our mountains offer us!
Mountain guide - Mathias Leo Kitzalps Guide
St. Johann in Tirol, Mag. Eduard-Angererweg 23
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Opening hours and contact
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Mag. Eduard-Angererweg 23, 6380 St. Johann in Tirol
Phone: +43 676 933 5115Email: mathias_leo@gmx.atWebsite