Habitat PillerseeTal

Together. With confidence. At eye level.

The protection of nature for future generations, awareness-raising at eye level and confident habitat design for locals, guests and employees are the basic intentions that drive us as a tourism association in current and future projects. As a tourism destination in one of the most beautiful Alpine regions in Europe, we assume corporate responsibility and integrate sustainability as a cross-sectional mission in all developments and measures in our sphere of activity. In doing so, we prioritise the sensible and sincere support of our partners as well as the attractive design of offers for current and future generations. Together, we want to further develop the beautiful PillerseeTal and keep it worth living in.

You can make a difference - every day and at any time!

Jane Goodall

We are working on this

Topics of the PillerseeTal habitat

Responsible use of nature, resources and energy, climate and environmental protection are not just buzzwords in Pillerseetal. The region has been consciously investing in sustainable and resource-conserving development for a very long time. In addition to the development of a regional CSR and sustainability strategy, the focus is on the planning, further development and implementation of ecologically, socially and economically sustainable offers in the PillerseeTal living space.

Sustainability is seen as a cross-sectional task and is considered in all areas. In this way, we consciously set impulses and measures to inspire guests, employees, members and partners for sustainable holiday options.

We take a proactive approach and continuously realise our vision in a wide range of areas together with our guests, employees, businesses and partners.

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