The snow crunches underfoot, the lanterns shine through the snowy winter night and the gentle sounds of the Weißenbläser brass band at the Lauchsee offer an unforgettable holiday experience (subject to weather-related route changes).
Duration: ca. 1,5 h | Info & registration: until Tuesday, 04:00 pm | Meeting point: 7:30 pm, bottom station Bergbahnen Fieberbrunn, Lindau 17, 6391 Fieberbrunn | Cost: adult with guest card € 10,- / without guest card € 20,- / children until 15 years € 5,- | Payment via the online shop by credit card OR if you do not have a credit card, you can book and pay in advance at an information office in PillerseeTal (during opening hours)! | Take your guestcard in the evening with you | Participant: minimum 4 persons, maximum 30 persons.
Romantic lantern walk
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Dates and arrival
Recurring events
12.02.2025 19.02.2025 26.02.2025 05.03.2025 12.03.2025Event location
Bottom station Bergbahnen Fieberbrunn
Tourismusverband PillerseeTal
Infobüro Fieberbrunn
Dorfplatz 1
6391 Fieberbrunn
Telefon: +43 5354 56304Email:
Romantic lantern walk
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