Illuminated trails in the Hohe Salve region

Floodlit trails and kilometres of cross-country skiing pleasure

The around 60 km long network of cross-country ski trails in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve spans across the entire region. Great cross-country ski trails of all difficulty levels are waiting there for cross-country skiers and those who want to become ones. Fans of this Nordic sport will also find a couple of special trails in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve, which impress with that certain extra. Cross-country skiing beginners, night owls and even children will get their money’s worth in the cross-country region. Discover the floodlit cross-country ski trails in the townships of Wörgl and Angerberg now.

Floodlit cross-country ski trails

Night owls and evening athletes note: Even after dark you can ski your laps on the cross-country ski trails in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve. Enjoy a total of 5 km of optimally groomed cross-country ski trails in the evening. The two training trails, once in Wörgl and once in Angerberg, are available for you until 21.00 hrs. A further plus: The trails can be used completely for free. So strap on those cross-country skis and hit the trails!

  • Cross-country skiing and floodlit trails Holiday Region Hohe Salve
  • Cross-country skiing and floodlit trails Holiday Region Hohe Salve
  • Cross-country skiing and floodlit trails Holiday Region Hohe Salve

Training trail Wörgl

  • Closed
  • EasyLevel
  • arrow_right_alt1,1 kmDistance
  • terrain530 mHighest point
  • trending_up15 mUphill
  • Details

Every Tuesday the night and training trail also hosts a free introductory cross-country skiing class. There you can train together with the athletes from the cross-country skiing club Angerberg and learn skating technique from scratch. More about the dates and registration can be found in the winter-activity-programme of the Holiday Region Hohe Salve.
Good to know: All cross-country ski trails in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve including the cross-country skiing Kinderland in Angerberg can be used completely for free.