Snow shoe hike in Kelchsau

Bookable online
Hopfgarten im Brixental (09:30 AM)favorite_borderfavoriteHiking through the snow in a small group, learning new sports or riding through the winter scenery on a horse-drawn carriage - winter in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve offers so much more than just skiing fun of the highest order. Let qualified guides show you the Kitzbühel Alps and learn more about the region you have chosen as your holiday destination. Find the suitable experience for your winter holidays today and reserve a spot online. Tip: With a valid Guest Card of the Holiday Region Hohe Salve you can enjoy reduced rates when participating in the weekly programme. With the guest card, some activities are even free.
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No, payment is made directly to the hiking guides. Exception: The horse-drawn sleigh ride in Hopfgarten and the torchlight hike in Hopfgarten must be paid for in advance at one of the information offices.
During opening hours you are welcome to contact the team of the Holiday Region Hohe Salve in person or by phone at any time. Outside of opening hours, you can send us a mail and we will process this as fast as possible.
In the unlikely event that the activity cannot take place, (e.g. if the minimum number of participants is not reached) we will let you know the day before after registration closes (around 16:00).
As part of the winter-activity-programme, changing the dates for the event is not possible. But you are welcome to contact the hiking guides at any time and arrange a private tour. The team of the Holiday Region Hohe Salve will be happy to support you with this.