Aussicht vom Gipfel der Hohen Salve

The Hohe Salve

The exceptional adventure and panoramic mountain in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve

The virtually freestanding summit of the Hohe Salve is known for its fabulous 360° views. Already at the time of the Celts, the conical mountain was regarded as a power place and holy site. Today you’ll find the highest located pilgrimage church in Austria on the summit. The restaurant with its unique revolving terrace and revolving public room serves up culinary delectations at 1,829 metres. The name “Salve”, by the way, comes from Latin and means greeting. And that’s exactly how it is, the summit of the Hohe Salve salutes from afar to the four winds.

  • Hiking Summit Hohe Salve
    The hikers enjoy their time together at the summit of the Hohe Salve in front of the little church.
  • Children on the summit of the Hohe Salve
    The huge climbing giant on the summit of the Hohe Salve reminds us of the old legend of the panoramic mountain.
  • Hiking Summits Hohe Salve
    From the Hohe Salve you can enjoy wonderful views of the townships and mountains of the Kitzbühel Alps.
  • Hiking Summits Hohe Salve
    From the summit of the Hohe Salve you can enjoy stunning views.
  • Hiking family Hohe Salve
    The views from the summit of the Hohe Salve are simply sublime. Come see for yourself on a family hike around the summit.
  • Hiking family Hohe Salve
    Past the little Salven church, the family hikes down to the reservoirs at the foot of the Hohe Salve.
  • Hiking Summits Hohe Salve
    The hikers enjoy their hike with great alpine panoramas on the summit of the Hohe Salve.

Data & facts about the panoramic mountain Hohe Salve

  • checkHeight: 1,829 m

  • checkSpecial waypoints: Reservoir Hohe Salve, Salvensee Lake, pilgrimage church "Salvenkirchlein"

  • checkCable cars: Salvenbahn Hopfgarten, Bergbahn Söll

  • checkTarget group: Hikers, families, pleasure holidaymakers, mountain bikers, e-bikers, paragliders

Places to stop off for a snack

The Hohe Salve is a true gourmet-mountain. Enjoy Tirolean treats in the wonderful alpine scenery. The innkeepers on and at the Hohe Salve conjure up tasty dishes, cold cuts platters, desserts and provide you with cold refreshing drinks after your hike or bike-tour. The breakfast on the mountain is also offered in many lodges around the Hohe Salve.

Alpengasthof Rigi

Alpengasthof  Rigi
Alpengasthof Rigi
Open todayHopfgarten im Brixental

Sunnseit Hütte

Sunnseit Hütte
Sunnseit Hütte
Closed todayHopfgarten im Brixental

Tenner Stadl

Tenner Stadl
Tenner Stadl
Open todayHopfgarten

Hiking suggestions

As multifaceted as the panoramic mountain Hohe Salve shows itself to visitors, as varied are also the trails that lead along it. Be it on the summit, to the reservoirs, to the lodges or once around the mountain. The Hohe Salve is well developed and offers plenty of hiking options. The various trails can also be excellently negotiated with cable car support and are equally suited for families, indulgence hikers and summiteers.

The hiking trails on Hohe Salve
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Hiking map - region Brixental-Hohe Salve

Hiking map - region Brixental-Hohe Salve
Hiking map - region Brixental-Hohe Salve

Be equipped to plan your hiking tours from home - order the hiking maps of the Kitzbühel Alps right now.

Hiking map  WEST: Region Brixental & Hohe Salve
scale: 1:35.000

10%VAT of € 0,55 included
shipping included

€ 6,00

  • Hiking Summit Hohe Salve (63)
    The bench in front of the little church on the summit of the Hohe Salve beckons to put in the break.
  • Hiking family Hohe Salve (3)
    The family is hiking around the summit of the Hohe Salve on the fabulous panoramic trail.
  • Hiking Summit Hohe Salve (109)
    The sun trail around the summit of the Hohe Salve not only has many stations on the subject of sun, sky and wind to offer, but the views are also simply stunning.
The panoramic mountain for families, sportspeople and connoisseurs

The panoramic mountain for families, sportspeople and connoisseurs

Many ways lead up to Hohe Salve
Hohe Salve is a true adventure mountain for all sports types. Many hiking trails of various difficulty levels lead up to the summit. Panoramic hikes, valley hikes, lake hikes and summit hikes - choose the tour that suits you best and experience breathtaking Alpine panoramas. With the help of the cable car a hike on the Hohe Salve can be adapted to your respective fitness level.

By cable car up to the panoramic mountain
With the Salvenbahn I and II you’ll get from Hopfgarten directly up to the summit of the Hohe Salve. You also have the option of getting off at the mid-station. From there, many hikes begin to the summit and to the Alpine pastures and lakes on the Hohe Salve. Near the mid-station you’ll also find snack stops and lodges to have a break at. Profit from the low-cost summer tickets and combo- tickets of the cable cars. With the Kitzbühel Alps Guest Card you’ll also get discounts on your ticket. A ride up to the Hohe Salve is also possible from Söll. There is thus nothing in the way of "crossing the mountain" by gondola lift.

Pure family adventure
All around the summit of the Hohe Salve there is plenty to discover. The Hohe Salve reservoir with its platform, the swinging loungers and water splashing options, as well as the myth-enshrouded Witches' Water with its many play stations in Söll. At the summit you can enjoy the wonderful view on a panoramic walk. The trail is pram-friendly and leads once around the summit. The giant head at the highest point of the Hohe Salve is perfect for climbing, sliding and playing in the sand.

Action in the air
The Hohe Salve is a true hotspot for paragliders. The good thermal conditions, the wonderful natural scenery and the favourable location of the cable cars attract many pilots to Hopfgarten. Tandem flights are also possible from the summit of the Hohe Salve. Experience a special adventure-kick and discover the Holiday Region Hohe Salve from a bird’s-eye perspective!

Baerig Tirol

Bärig Blog



Marmots at the Hohe Salve

Follow me on tiptoes to "Manggä Loch" and observe with me these lovely little alpine inhabitants

Read more

Further tour suggestions

Current weather forecast for the coming days

    Today 2025-03-28

  • sunny and cloudy
  • ac_unitMin.-2 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.4 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation90 % (5.7 mm)
  • flagWindNordost 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %

    Tomorrow 2025-03-29

  • moderate snow shower, mainly cloudy
  • ac_unitMin.-2 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.-1 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation90 % (17.7 mm)
  • flagWindNordwest 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %

    Tomorrow 2025-03-30

  • light snow shower, sun and clouds
  • ac_unitMin.-4 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.2 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation85 % (13.6 mm)
  • flagWindNordwest 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %

    Tomorrow 2025-03-31

  • moderate snow shower, mainly cloudy
  • ac_unitMin.-6 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.-3 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation85 % (17.1 mm)
  • flagWindNordwest 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk10 %