Children's Ice Stock Sport in Brixen

Brixen im Thale, Dorfstraße 93




1 hour

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Fancy an adventure? Let's go ice stock sport in beautiful Brixental!

Whether it's snowing or the sun is shining, ice stock sport is a great activity for any weather and a perfect opportunity to have fun together. The ice rink in Brixental provides the ideal setting for an unforgettable experience.

Registration: by Thursday, 05:00 p.m. at the information offices or online

Meeting point: Friday, 02:00 p.m. at the information office in Brixen im Thale - Brixen ice stock sport rink

Duration: about 1 hour

Cost: € 7.00 per child / Children aged 6 and up (Kids only)

Minimum participants: 2 children

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Children's Ice Stock Sport in Brixen

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