WE.Employees for Employees

The PillerseeTal…a haven of comfort for our employees.

WE is more than just a word. It’s an attitude, a vision, and the key to an exciting life in the PillerseeTal. We, at the tourism association, strongly believe that fostering strong connections among the employees in our region cannot only enhance the workplace atmosphere but also elevate overall well-being. That’s why the initiative “WE. Employees for Employees“ was launched, where employees from various businesses and the tourism association collaborate to support fellow employees in finding a place to thrive here in the PillerseeTal.

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WE want to bring together what belongs together: you and the PillerseeTal. Through various shared activities in and around our beautiful home, you’ll discover our region in an entirely new way. Special experiences and goodies create an excellent opportunity for social exchange and for being together. In the WE.Shop, you’ll find the inspirations you need.
WE understand the importance of interpersonal relationships. That’s why we focus on connecting employees within the tourism industry and creating spaces where they can get to know each other and spend time together outside of work. Let yourself be inspired by our extensive range of regional shared activities.

So, what are you waiting for?

Discover the many facets of the PillerseeTal and experience the feeling of togetherness yourself.

WE do not just follow conventional paths – it’s about creating unique moments that last. It’s about being present. Because this “WE” is so much more. Whether it’s about job hunting, career planning, mobility, personal development, or seeking new horizons – we are here to support. Our online portal “Work & Life” aims to be an anchor for newcomers, those already settled, and job seekers. But the real connections? We make those "offline", where it all comes together.

WE are not just employees in various tourism businesses; we are individuals who call the PillerseeTal their home. Regular meetings with managers enable us to set the right impulse, forming the foundation of a diverse initiative that includes training opportunities for both employees and managers. We strongly believe that the development of our businesses and our leaders is as crucial as that of us employees. Hence, we offer leadership development opportunities in areas such as business management and staff supervision. Strong leadership among employees begins with our shared sense of unity.