Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (12)

The Franze family

The nature-loving family from St. Johann


Andreas and Nadja Franze haven't always lived in the Kitzbüheler Alpen with their children. Andreas grew up in St. Johann in Tirol and then his studies took him to Innsbruck and the USA. It was in the USA that he met his current wife and shortly afterwards they moved to Berlin.

What was the decisive reason for Andreas' return to his roots after ten years in the big city? Well it was their children and the desire to be able to live as a family in tune with nature. Since their move, the family enjoys its newly-found freedom on the doorstep, everyday to the fullest.

The sunny side of country life

Enjoying the fresh air outside without following certain rules. Going shopping in comfort. Sending the children out to play without a care in the world. Building a tree house for hours. All this is hardly possible in a big city. With their move from Berlin to the Kitzbüheler Alpen, Andreas and Nadja Franze have created the desired freedom for themselves and their children.

Life in the countryside is less complicated, everyday life much more relaxed without permanent stress and noise. For the Franze family, nature is the most adventurous playground and the best teacher. The best feeling ever: that the children can grow up at their own pace.

Simply going outside without a care. Experiencing the natural course of the seasons: the scent of the Alpine meadows in Summer, the smell of damp leaves in Autumn. Skiing, cross-country skiing and tobogganing in Winter. In Summer, hiking, cycling excursions or simply enjoying carefree hours on the banks of the river in St. Johann. Such simple, natural things bring happiness to the Franze family.

Deceleration brings happiness

Andreas is a project manager and lecturer, his wife a youth worker. He himself was never a mountain enthusiast, she was happy in the city. But that their children could grow up in a nature's paradise like the Kitzbüheler Alpen was equally important for both of them.

The Franze family's car is hardly used. They prefer to remain in and around the area of St. Johann. Andreas and Nadja are keen to live close to their immediate surroundings and the environment on a daily basis. Deceleration - that's the simple recipe for happiness for the nature-loving family.

  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (23)
  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (27)
  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (30)
  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (35)
  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (11)
  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (99)
  • Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege Familie Franze c Kitzbüheler Alpen Daniel Gollner  (65)

Franze family's profile

  • checkOur power places in the Kitzbüheler Alpen ... the forests and the river in St. Johann.

  • checkWhat makes our native home special ... the combination of the Alps and wide valleys.

  • checkWhat are our emotional connections to the Kitzbüheler Alpen and why ... I (Andreas) have grown up here and my family lives here.

The freedom to be outside in the fresh air, without anything having to function according to certain rules, this is what we have provided for our children. Now they can just enjoy growing up, carefree and at their own pace.


Andreas Franze

Baerig Tirol

Bärig Blog


Sabine Ertl

Country love instead of urban jungle

Fully in harmony with nature and the four seasons, the Franze family lives in St. Johann in Tyrol. Nature is the best playground for the family.

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