Summer Card Prices

How much is the summer lift pass?

The Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card is one ticket for 36 summer mountain lifts in Tirol. This ticket offers you a wide range of mountain adventure worlds in the region. Get to enjoy discounts at numerous bonus partners. You can buy the ticket at all participating cable car cash desks for 2 to 14 days. Bonus partners will give you a 50 % discount on the standard price when presenting your valid Summer Card. Please show your ticket at the cash desks of the participating partners.

Kitzbühler Alps Summer Card 2024

without Guest Card
with Guest Card
without Guest Card
with Guest Card
without Guest Card
with Guest Card
2 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 72,00€ 68,50€ 54,00€ 51,50€ 36,00€ 34,00
3 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 88,00€ 83,50€ 66,00€ 62,50€ 44,00€ 42,00
4 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 100,00€ 95,00€ 75,00€ 71,50€ 50,00€ 47,50
5 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 110,00€ 104,50€ 82,50€ 78,50€ 55,00€ 52,50
6 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 120,00€ 114,00€ 90,00€ 85,50€ 60,00€ 57,00
7 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 127,00€ 120,50€ 95,50€ 90,50€ 63,50€ 60,50
8 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 137,00€ 130,00€ 103,00€ 98,00€ 68,50€ 65,00
9 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 141,50€ 134,50€ 106,00€ 100,50€ 71,00€ 67,50
10 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 150,50€ 143,00€ 113,00€ 107,50€ 75,50€ 71,50
11 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 155,50€ 147,50€ 116,50€ 110,50€ 78,00€ 74,00
12 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 165,00€ 157,00€ 124,00€ 118,00€ 82,50€ 78,50
13 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 172,50€ 164,00€ 129,50€ 123,00€ 86,50€ 82,00
14 Day Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card€ 179,00€ 170,00€ 134,50€ 128,00€ 89,50€ 85,00

Children‘s tariffs for those born between 2010-2020, Children born in and after 2021 free!
Youth tariffs for those born in 2007-2009

Season Card Kitzbüheler Alpen 2024

27.04. - 10.11.2024AdultsYouthsChildren
Hiking Season Card€ 333,00€ 250,00€ 166,50
Flier Season Card€ 486,50
Hike & Bike Season Card*€ 433,00€ 325,00€ 216,50

No bonus and outdoor partners are included in the season ticket; not available with bus use!
During the early- and off-season the full range of offers will not be available!
*For Hikers: Use of all 36 lifts included without restriction.
For Bikers: with Hike & Bike Season Card and Trail Cards - unlimited use of the following 7 lifts:
Hahnenkammbahn cable car, Fleckalmbahn cabe car, chairlifts Gaisberg and Sonnenrast, KITZBÜHEL-KIRCHBERG
Hochbrixen Gondelbahn cable car, BRIXEN im THALE
Harschbichl Kabinenbahn cable car (1 Sect.), ST. JOHANN in TIROL
Tauwiesenlift, OBERNDORF in TIROL

Season tickets do not include the use of buses. Important for holders of flyer season tickets: This ticket does not include Bonus-/Outdoorpartners. TIP: Holders of the Kitzbühel Alps Summer season ticket get 10 % discount when buying a return ticket for the lifts in Zell am See, Kaprun or Saalbach-Hinterglemm-Leogang! All prices plus € 2.00 deposit (KeyCard deposit will be refunded when returning the card)

For every 20 Kitzbühel Alps Summer Cards bought together, you will receive 1 Summer Card free!

Guest card discount:
A reduced price applies as per the price list for holders of valid guest cards. Provided the period of stay is within the validity period of the Summer Card. Guest cards from the following regions are accepted:

Guest cards from the following regions are accepted:

  • checkKitzbüheler Alpen - Brixental (Westendorf - Brixen - Kirchberg)

  • checkKitzbüheler Alpen - St. Johann in Tirol - Kirchdorf - Oberndorf - Erpfendorf

  • checkKitzbüheler Alpen - Ferienregion Hohe Salve

  • checkKitzbüheler Alpen - PillerseeTal

  • checkKitzbühel Tourismus

  • checkWilder Kaiser

  • checkKaiserwinkl

  • checkWildschönau

  • checkAlpbachtal Seenland Tourismus

  • checkMittersill - Hollersbach - Stuhlfelden

  • checkSalzburger Saalachtal

In the off-peak season limited lift operations of the cable cars must be expected. For detailed opening hours please directly contact the cable car company of your choice.

Cable car cash desks

You want to buy the Summer Card for yourself and your family?
The low-cost and family-friendly leisure ticket is available exclusively and directly at the cash desks of participating cable car companies.
Here you’ll find all cable car cash desks at a glance.


Links to the summer cable cars of the Kitzbüheler Alpen Summer Card

Fare provisions & Conditions of carriage, GTC

Tips for your day trip

Tips for your day trip
Tips for your day trip

In and around the Kitzbühel Alps you’ll find a multitude of interesting daytrip destinations. Here you’ll find some tips for how to plan your day trip. Even if the sun doesn’t shine for once, there are some thrilling indoor activities to discover.
