Regional producers in Hopfgarten & Kelchsau

Pleasure-oriented shops, farm shops,, farmers' markets and farm-gate sales in Hopfgarten & Kelchsau

With their outstanding rural panoramic location, the holiday destinations Hopfgarten im Brixental and the idyllic side valley of Kelchsau are very popular with locals and holiday guests alike. But not only hikers and bikers get their money's worth in these two places. The holiday domiciles also have a lot to offer in terms of culinary and regional delights. Due to the numerous green spaces in the valley and on the alpine pastures, agriculture really comes alive here.

Farm shops, beekeepers, alpine dairies and individual producers in Hopfgarten and Kelchsau offer a wide range of quality products. Therefore, on this page you will find the current offers of all the farm-gate sales, farm shops and regional producers of Hopfgarten and Kelchsau. These are always updated on an ongoing basis.

If you would also like to join our Hohe Salve Marketplace platform, please contact us at any time. Below you will find a contact form. To get to the form as quickly as possible, simply click on the "Apply here!" navigation button.

Regional farm shops

Who? Products When
Bauernladl in Hopfgarten Bacon and sausage products, fresh meat*, cheese, alpine butter, doughnuts, Tyrolean dumplings, meat patties, pasta, spices, juices, teas, jams, honey, liquors, handmade products Fridays 09:00-12:30 hrs and 15:00-18:00 hrs Contact
Schmankerlkastl Drittlhof in Hopfgarten Cheese, homemade schnapps and liqueurs, homemade syrup, homemade jams and other seasonal products - depending on availability. Request by telephone or e-mail Contact
Holzalm Kasalm in Hopfgarten/Wildschönau Mountain cheese, Almkönig, Tilsiter, herbal Tilsiter, Camenbert, Graukäse (crumbly white cheese), whey products (depending on availability) May-September, daily from 09:00-16:30 hrs Contact
Milchbuben-Stube at Penningberg in Hopfgarten Various homemade Camembert varieties from the farm's own alpine dairy, Brie, yoghurt from organic hay milk, sausage, butter, fruit yoghurt, mustard varieties, muesli, chocolate, tea ATTENTION: From Monday, 13 January 2025, the Milbuben-Stube will be closed indefinitely due to renovation work! Contact
Rauchhof Hofladl in Hopfgarten Raw milk, curd, yoghurt, fruit yoghurt, eggs, cream cheese, whey, seasonal products such as vegetables, potatoes, carrots, and much more daily 06:00-21:00 hrs in the self-service farm shop Contact
Hofladen Sibis Ziegenhof, Rieser Milk, butter and cheese from the alpine pasture, jam, herbal salt, sausages, seasonal products such as potatoes, herbs, vegetables, organic pork and/or beef* daily from 08:00-20:00 hrs in the self-service farm shop Contact
Käserei Nierderkaseralm in the Kelchsau valley Home-made cheese, butter, curd cheese, yoghurt from the own alpine dairy until 26.09.2021, daily from 10:00-18:00 hrs Contact
Imkerei Rief in the Kelchsau valley Honey, comb honey, lid wax, block wax, honeycomb, candles, honey liqueur ready for pick-up by appointment Contact
Naturgenuss Groders Hofladen in Kelchsau Honey, eggs, seasonal fruit & vegetables, apple juice, jams, game specialities, etc. , on Saturdays: farmer's bread open daily 24/7 Contact
Wagyuzucht | Fleischsinn Gusto pieces of Wagyu beef from the farm's own breeding. The purity of the animals guarantees the best quality. Request by telephone or e-mail Contact

* meat packages only on pre-order

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All farm shops & products from the region

Regional events in Hopfgarten & Kelchsau

Marketplace Hopfgarten & Kelchsau

We are always happy to receive ideas and regional producers who would like to be presented on our Hohe Salve Marketplace platform. If you have any questions, please call Carmen Sitzmann directly at +43 57507 7111.



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