Latest weather in the Kitzbühel Alps
How is the weather? How will the weather be in the next few days in the Kitzbühel Alps?
Are you about to spend a day skiing, hiking or cycling the Kitzbühel Alps? No matter if there is sunshine or rain, the Tyrolean holiday region has a diverse range of excursion destinations whatever the weather. Take a look at the latest weather. The report includes a forecast for the coming days. Now you are all set to plan your holiday or prepare for your excursion!
- sunny
- ac_unitMin.-4 °C
- wb_sunnyMax.4 °C
- opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 5 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Today 2024-12-30
- sunny
- ac_unitMin.-5 °C
- wb_sunnyMax.4 °C
- opacityPrecipitation0 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 10 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2024-12-31
- sunny
- ac_unitMin.-4 °C
- wb_sunnyMax.6 °C
- opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 10 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2025-01-01
- compact clouds
- ac_unitMin.-2 °C
- wb_sunnyMax.5 °C
- opacityPrecipitation65 % (6.3 mm)
- flagWindSuedwest 10 km/h
- flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %
Tomorrow 2025-01-02