Europäische Reiseversicherung
Worry-free holidaying in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve
With Europäische Reiseversicherung you can book your holidays completely worry-free, because even if you cannot start your trip due to unforeseen circumstances, you are covered. You also have the choice between the two models Hotel-cancellation Plus and Hotel-cancellation Premium. With the simple premium calculator, you can find the suitable model right away and compare costs. Likewise, you can take out the travel insurance directly when doing your online booking via the Kitzbühel Alps. You’ll find all information about this in your booking confirmation.
The travel insurance will support you in case you must cancel your trip due to unforeseen reasons. Even if you have to end your holidays early, the insurance cover will ensure that no financial harm comes to you. Equally, you are insured against any rescue costs in case of distress in the mountains. To make sure that in case of illness or accidents during or before the holidays you are at least financially safeguarded, taking out travel insurance is highly recommended.
The benefits at a glance
checkTrip cancellation / Trip interruption
checkLate arrival
checkIf you have to extend your stay involuntarily:
checkSearch and rescue including helicopter rescue
checkBenefits after accidents
Further information on travel insurance during the Corona Pandemic
Have personal travel insurance calculated and concluded now
The Holiday Region Hohe Salve trusts in the long-standing cooperation and the extensive cover of Europäische Reiseversicherung. Find out now about the insurance benefits and book your insurance online without complications right away - that way you can enjoy your holidays without any worries.