We use the Alpenrosenbahn as an ascent assistance. From the mountain restaurant Talkaser, we walk along the road for about 200m as far as the signpost for the Höhningscharte. There we turn left and follow the upper hiking trail to the Brechhornhaus, passing the Kreuzjöchlsee and Annakapelle. After a rest and a refreshing stop, the path leads us over the Fleidingalm along the forest road back to our starting point, the mountain-top station of the Alpenrosenbahn. Enjoy a leisurely lift with the Alpenrosenbahn back down to the valley. This route is also a beautiful Nordic Walking route. The Gampenkogel, Fleiding and the Brechhorn offer additional hiking possibilities. Descent variants:
Shortly after the Fleidingalm, the Alpenrosensteig branches off to the left to the middle station.
Before the Fleiding station, follow the gravel road downhill to the The Gasthof Schrandlhof/Westendorf.
At the Brechhornhaus follow the signs for Wiegalm - Kobingerhütte (Harlassanger)-Gaisberg (Gaisberglift).
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