Gipfelalm Hohe Salve mountain restaurant

Hopfgarten im Brixental, Salvenberg 59

2526 bedømmelser hos Google
Gipfel Hohe Salve

Åben i morgen

åbningstider18.05.2024 - 27.10.2024ma09:00 - 17:00ti09:00 - 17:00on09:00 - 17:00to09:00 - 17:00fr09:00 - 17:0009:00 - 17:0009:00 - 17:00

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The Gipfelalm Hohe Salve is located on one of the most beautiful panoramic mountains in Tyrol, the Hohe Salve (1829 m).
True to our motto:
turn - see - enjoy

turn - take a turn on the highest revolving panorama terrace in Austria. We are happy to serve you in our "Umadum Stubn",
         an imposing 360-degree summit enjoyment in a cosy old-wood ambience.
see - the view of over 70 three-thousand-metre peaks - e.g. Großglockner (3798m) and Großvenediger (3660m).
enjoy - delicious delicacies and our hospitality.

Every Wednesday in the summer months we prepare "Ziachkiachl" on an old farm cooker. Or start the summer day with a delicious and hearty breakfast and enjoy the first rays of sunshine. We are also happy to accept your "Breakfast on the mountain" voucher.

In the hands of the Salven giant. A special kind of playground guarantees fun for young and old in summer!

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