Be 550

Wildschönauerstrasse 56, Wörglfavorite_borderfavoriteOpen today
Opening hours13.08.2024 - 30.04.2025Mon03:00 PM - 09:30 PMTue03:00 PM - 09:30 PMThu03:00 PM - 09:30 PMFri03:00 PM - 09:30 PMSat03:00 PM - 09:30 PMSun03:00 PM - 09:30 PM
Show all opening hoursThis small, family-run inn is a very popular excursion destination for residents as well as visitors. The view of the town, the Inn Valley and the surrounding mountains is extraordinary just like the romantic, comfortably furnished rooms and apartments. The rustic parlour with an open fire-place provides and extremely homely ambience and represents the heart of the family-friendly guesthouse.
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Opening hours and contact
Mon03:00 PM - 09:30 PMTue03:00 PM - 09:30 PMThu03:00 PM - 09:30 PMFri03:00 PM - 09:30 PMSat03:00 PM - 09:30 PMSun03:00 PM - 09:30 PM
Wildschönauerstrasse 56, 6300 Wörgl
Phone: +43 5332 74122Phone(mobil): +43 650 6706262Email: bhw@chello.atPlan route