Windautaler Hiking Taxi

from middle of June to end of October - every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Launched in 2017, the Windautaler Hiking Taxi is a unique service offered to guests staying in the region. The service is available every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and offers a convenient and affordable way to reach the Windautal Valley known locally as Nature's Jewel, which is one of the most beautiful hiking areas in the region.

Are you thinking about a hiking tour in the mountains, but not sure where to park? Or have you discovered the closest car park is too far away to reach after a long day of hiking? Then the Windautaler Hiking Taxi is just right for you. Thanks to the taxi service, families now also have the opportunity to explore some easy hiking trails in the Windautal Valley. Our service also offers many other advantages.

Important information

  • checkThe hiking taxi runs every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • checkThe hiking taxi is only available with advance bookings. Bookings must be made via the Westendorf Tourist Information Office by no later than 5:00 pm the previous day.

  • checkTickets can be purchased from the Westendorf Tourist Information Office, advance bookings only.

  • checkMinimum number of passengers 4 persons.

  • checkPrice: With valid guest card € 5.00 per person and direction (without guest card € 7.50)

  • 0Z0A7565
  • 0Z0A7619
  • 0Z0A7626
  • 0Z0A7679
  • Lodron_Kitzbüheler Alpen-Brixental_Mathäus Gartner (2019)_FULL38
  • Lodron_Kitzbüheler Alpen-Brixental_Mathäus Gartner (2019)_FULL45
  • Lodron_Kitzbüheler Alpen-Brixental_Mathäus Gartner (2019)_FULL48

Departure times

The Windautaler hiking taxi runs every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from middle of June to end of October.

Outward journey: Westendorf - Windautal

Departure from the Westendorf Tourist Information Office: 9.00 am Windautal stops: Gasthof Jagerhäusl, Gasthaus Steinberg, Gamskogelhütte, Holzplatz/Krumbach.

Return journey: Windautal - Westendorf

Departure Holzplatz/Krumbach: 3.30 pm
Departure Gamskogelhütte: 3.40 pm
Departure Gasthaus Steinberg: 3.50 pm
Departure Gasthof Jagerhäusl: 4.00 pm
Destination: Westendorf Tourist Information Office

Departure schedule for download

Combine your day in the Windautal Valley with...

Windauer Wadl Weg trail

Windauer Wadl Weg trail
Windauer Wadl Weg trail

The Windauer Wadl Weg trail in the Windautal Valley is a natural cure for everyone. Recharge your batteries with some mountain spring water.


Guided hikes

Guided hikes
Guided hikes

The tourist offices in the region offer guided tours for small groups almost every day. This ensures nature lovers a smooth hiking experience in the mountains of Brixental - without having to worry about tour planning - during which they will discover fascinating facts about the local Alps.


You can find more information here