Mountain experience | Triassic Park

Waidring, Alpegg 10

Triassic Park 11

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Openingstijden29.05.2025 - 05.10.2025Ma09:00 - 16:45Di09:00 - 16:45Woe09:00 - 16:45Do09:00 - 16:45Vrij09:00 - 16:45Za09:00 - 16:45Zo09:00 - 16:45

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Summer: RUN INTO TIME - a journey into a world long gone! Get up close and personal with marine reptiles and other creatures from a time over 200 million years ago. Into the gondola - up into time! In an interactive exhibition on approx. 400m² of exhibition space, visitors have the opportunity to "travel" to a fascinating and bygone world. With free admission, fun and games are thus guaranteed and an exciting visit to prehistoric times on the Steinplatte is guaranteed for the whole family.

Winter: The Triassic Park on the Waidringer Steinplatte has recently been snowing in with casual offers for the whole family in winter too - even without skis: because the winter hiking trail to the viewing platform and the new stalactite cave are dinosaur-strong. And while the grown-ups are whizzing down the slopes and the little freestylers are making the Triassic Funline unsafe, the little ones (non-skiers) find the Triassic childcare mega - always Tuesdays to Sundays from 10:00 to 15:30.

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