Hondenschool Hopfgarten ÖGV Gekke Hond

Hopfgarten im Brixental, Sonnwiesenweg 14

Hundeschule 1


Apart from enjoying the training of dogs we are eager to better ourselves continuously. All trainings are held by certified instructors who have passed at least level 3 of the iBGH obedience training. This way you can be sure to be trained according to the latest state of knowledge in dog training.

This is what we can offer you and your dog:
dog-appropriate training by means of modern training techniques
- We take ourselves time for you and your dog.
- You learn how to communicate with your dog in a species-appropriate manner
​- You’ll be looked after by certified instructors with lots of personal experience. 
- ​You will learn to read you dog and fit it
- Courses all year round
- We offer a variety of different trainings/courses

•Sonja Loinger
•Animal welfare qualified dog trainer
•ÖKV - ÖGV (Austrian Utility Dog Sports Association) trainer
•Phone Number: +43 664 127 66 69

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