Kitzbüheler Alpen KAT Bike Enjoy Pillerseetal

Guided e-bike tour Kitzbüheler Alpen Trail

Can I explore the KAT Bike with a guide?

Would you like to receive valuable tips about biking and information about the region of the Kitzbühel Alps? Then the KAT Bike E-njoy guided e-bike tour is just the right thing for you! When you book your KAT Bike E-njoy package from 14 - 16 june 2025, you will receive an upgrade for the guided tour with our local MTB guides. Let the Kitzbühel Alps be presented to you by real insiders who will tell you stories and show you places as only locals can.

Guided Biketour

The mountains are calling!

This is how it works:

Book the KAT Bike E-njoy online here (via our partner, the tour operator Feuer und Eis Touristik GmbH) and send an email to with the information "Guided tour". You'll be biking through the Kitzbühel Alps for 3 days with a trained and local bike guide! You pay the regular package price, with no extra charge for the guide.

Registration deadline for the guided tour is 20 May 2025.

Here you can find all information about the KAT Bike E-njoy.
  • KAT Bike-Kitzbüheler-Alpen-Mountainbiker relaxen auf der Haag Alpe-Etappe 2 (c)ErwinHaiden  (2)
  • KAT Bike-Kitzbüheler-Alpen-Mountainbiker im Anstieg auf den Pengelstein-Etappe 3(c)E-Haiden  (4)
  • KAT Bike-Kitzbüheler-Alpen-Mountainbiker kehren Klooalm zu-Etappe 3(c)E-Haiden   (6)

Mountain Summer Opening

Mountain Summer Opening
Mountain Summer Opening

A mountain summer full of adventure awaits you in the Kitzbühel Alps. Browse the wide range of events in the calendar now!
