Currently open toboggan runs

What toboggan runs are currently open in Brixen im Thale, Kirchberg and Westendorf?

Find out more here about which toboggan runs are open today. Please be aware that certain toboggan runs are linked to operational hours for the local mountain railways, since these are used as lift access. Normal opening hours for the respective toboggan runs are as follows. (Subject to change at short notice!)

Ski & toboggan route Westendorf

Brixen toboggan run


Kirchberg toboggan run

  • Brixenbachalm as a stop for tobogganers
    Brixenbachalm is an excellent stop for tobogganers in the Kitzbühel Alps. In winter there is a natural toboggan run from Brixen im Thale zur Alm.
  • A couple tobogganing
    A couple on the natural toboggan run in winter heading to Brixenbachalm in Brixen im Thale in the Kitzbühel Alps.
  • Tobogganing on a natural toboggan run
    Tobogganing on a natural toboggan run in the Kitzbühel Alps.

Further information about the toboggan run can be found here: