Alpine Festival at the Hotel Elisabeth

Kirchberg in Tirol, Aschauer Straße 73




Event information

Alpine Festival at the Hotel Elisabeth

The highlight undoubtedly lies in the impressive return of the farmers' cattle. A unique spectacle awaits us as the animals descend from the picturesque alpine meadows.

Date: 28th of September 2024

Location: Hotel Elisabeth, Kirchberg


Drive home for the farmers:

  • Experience the impressive spectacle of the cattle returning from the mountain pastures to the valley.

Kitchen start: from 11:00 am

  • Savour delicious dishes made from regional products.

Small farmers' market: 

  • Browse through local meals and handicrafts.

Arrival of the cows: around 12:00 am 

Let the band "Die Alpis" entertain you with traditional music: from 11:00 am - 17:00 pm

Maytree auction of the "Jungbauern": 14:00 pm -15:00 pm

End of the event: Approx. 18:00 pm

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