
Since 1992, we have been cultivating herbs exclusively "organically" according to practical experience. During this time we have also rediscovered and put to use buried knowledge from ancient days and different peoples.
Currently we grow and propagate 35 different herbs. In the show herb garden we have 130 different plant species. With our tea blends we always strive to develop a special relationship and thus achieve a new interesting taste. They can also be drunk as thirst quenchers with the side effect that they are also good for your health.
We also use lesser-known herbs such as goldenrod, anise hyssop, lady's mantle, lemon verbena, agrimony etc.. The herbs are dried as a whole (only air-dried on wooden shelves - no metal!) in breathable sacks and only cut, mixed and bottled as needed. Everything is done by hand! Our experience has shown that by adhering to these criteria, the best possible preservation of the quality of herbs can be achieved.
A wide range of herbs, teas, massage oils, drops, creams and much more awaits you here with us.
Please make an appointment!
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Opening hours and contact
appointments by telephone arrangement
Ritschberg 15, 6364 Brixen im Thale
Phone: +43 676 7951 541Email: info@obertreichl.atPlan routeWebsite