Workshop Green Cosmetics

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Forecurt Holzbau Feller, 19:30favorite_borderfavoriteThe Wörgl Museum offers a comprehensive overview of the town's history, from prehistory to the modern economy.
Special emphasis is placed on Wörgl's free money and industrial history. A special exhibition focuses on 100 years of peace work and the innovative Wörgl free money of 1932/33.
Meeting point: Museum Wörgl, Brixentaler Straße 1, 6300 Wörgl
Registration: not required
Costs with/without Kitzbühel Alps Guest Card: voluntary donation
Duration: approx. 1 hour (individual)
Info: Group tours and tours outside opening hours on request
The tour may not take place on public holidays.
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Tilbagevendende arrangement
sted for arrangementet
Brixentaler Straße 1
Brixentaler Straße 1, 6300 Wörgl
Telefon: +43 699 17242113Email: museum@woergl.atarrangør
Museum Wörgl
Herrn Josef Egenbauer
Brixentaler Straße 1
6300 Wörgl
Telefon: +43 699 17242113Email: arrangementer
pr. online booking
Forecurt Holzbau Feller, 19:30favorite_borderfavoritepr. online booking
car park schneerosenthal, 19:00favorite_borderfavoritepr. online booking
Burgruine Engelsberg, 21:00favorite_borderfavoritepr. online booking
Information office Hopfgarten, 14:00favorite_borderfavoritepr. online booking
Information office Hopfgarten, 15:00favorite_borderfavoritepr. online booking
Hopfgarten swimming lake, 09:00favorite_borderfavorite