Kick-off concert ‘30 years of KULTUR 1000’ with LEMO & Band




Za19:00 Tijdstip

Informatie over het evenement

LEMO, who writes both autobiographical and astutely observant songs. songs, is already a real treat on disc. His lyrics exude melancholy, while his live performances are increasingly recognised as a brilliant musician. Accompanied by a great, discreet band, LEMO has played all over Austria and Germany. He epitomises coolness and accessibility at the same time. As an artist, he has found a unique way of moulding Austrian pop into touching forms. His songs are an emotional diary, ranging from euphoria to deep sadness over the end of a partnership. As soon as you hear them, they become familiar companions.

Prices:VVK € 29,00 AK € 31,00 Possible € 24,00 Youth € 19,00

More information about the event and ticket sales can be found here.

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