Festival of the ' Hauserer Clubs'

St. Jakob in Haus, Sportplatz

Fest der Vereine


Zo10:15 Tijdstip

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Informatie over het evenement

Starting at 10:15 AM, the associations will march in, followed by a church service for the Jakobisonntag. At 11:30 AM: concert by the BMK St. Jakob in Haus. From 1:00 PM, live music will provide dance and entertainment, and at 3:00 PM there will be a team challenge "Tractor Pulling". To conclude the festival, there will be an award ceremony and the presentation of the trophy | Cost: free | Meeting point: Sports field, 6392 St. Jakob in Haus | Parking: Parking lot center (paid) | Do something good for yourself and the environment by using public bus transportation to the event and back. All information and schedules can be found at www.kitzbueheler-alpen.com


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  • Datums en aankomst

  • Herhalend evenement

  • Locatie


    Sportplatz, 6392 St. Jakob in Haus

  • Informatie

    Pfarrgemeinderat St. Jakob in Haus

    Frau Christine Niedermoser

    Hochfeld 7

    6392 St. Jakob in Haus

    Telefon: +43 5354 88233

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