Noriker stallions

Kirchberg in Tirol, Stallbachkaralm

Hengstauftrieb Aschau



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Event information

An annual highlight is the meeting of the largest and strongest Tyrolean Noriker stallions.

The stallion drive will take place on Sunday 15 June 2025. The release of the stallions is planned for 12.00 noon at the usual place on the Stallbachkaralm. Early arrival is recommended due to limited parking facilities. In good weather, access is only possible until 10:00 a.m. - short road closures are possible in the event of congestion. Food, drink and music will be provided.

-10.00 a.m. Morning pint,

-11.00 a.m. Weighing and presentation of the stallions

-12.00 pm Release of the stallions at the Stallbachkaralm



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